
class ScanProcessor(documentDetector: DocumentDetector, orientationDetector: OrientationDetector)

This class is used to apply a sequence of image operations on a picture: perspective correction, curvature correction and image enhancement. Each of these operations can be configured using a configuration object.


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constructor(context: Context)
constructor(documentDetector: DocumentDetector, orientationDetector: OrientationDetector)


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object Companion
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Parameters of the processing.

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Configuration for curvature correction.

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Configuration for image enhancement.

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Style for the magic filter

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Configuration for perspective correction. When this configuration is enabled, perspective correction will be applied to the image, either using the result of the document detection, or the Quadrangle provided in this configuration.

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class Result<T>(val appliedQuadrangle: Quadrangle, val appliedFilter: FilterType?, val appliedFilterConfiguration: FilterConfiguration, val appliedRotation: RotationAngle, val output: T)

Result of the processing.

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class Rotation


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Process image file using the given configuration.