

@interface GSKProcessingResult: NSObject
/// The output file.
/// It's located in the temporary directory, so you need to move it to a permanent destination.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *processedImagePath;

/// The quadrangle that was used for perspective correction
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) GSKQuadrangle *appliedQuadrangle;

/// The filter that was applied during the enhancement phase
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) GSKFilterType appliedFilter;

 The rotation applied during the rotation phase.

 If you specified a rotation angle as part of GSKRotationConfiguration, you will get this angle back here.
 If you requested an automatic orientation detection as part of the GSKRotationConfiguration, appliedRotation will correspond the rotation applied by the SDK
 to rotate the image according to the estimated orientation.

 Note: The output of the processing is always an up-oriented image, even if the original image had an EXIF orientation (see UIImage's imageOrientation property).
 `appliedRotation` doesn't include the rotation applied to the image buffer to remove the EXIF information. The `appliedRotation` only includes the "visual" rotation
 needed to display the image to the user:

 - If the input image imageOrientation is UIImageOrientationUp, and you request a clockwise rotation, appliedRotation will be GSKRotationClockwise.
 - If the input image imageOrientation is UIImageOrientationUp, and you request an automatic rotation, which detects that the image must be rotated clockwise to
  look "straight", appliedRotation will be GSKRotationClockwise.
 - If the input image imageOrientation is UIImageOrientationRight, and you request a clockwise rotation, appliedRotation will be GSKRotationClockwise. The output
  image orientation will be UIImageOrientationUp.
 - If the input image imageOrientation is UIImageOrientationUp, and you request an automatic rotation, which detects that the image must be rotated clockwise to
  look "straight", appliedRotation will be GSKRotationClockwise. The output image orientation will be UIImageOrientationUp.
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) GSKRotation appliedRotation;



class GSKProcessingResult : NSObject


  • The output file. It’s located in the temporary directory, so you need to move it to a permanent destination.



    @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *_Nonnull processedImagePath;


    var processedImagePath: String { get }
  • The quadrangle that was used for perspective correction



    @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) GSKQuadrangle *_Nonnull appliedQuadrangle;


    var appliedQuadrangle: GSKQuadrangle { get }
  • The filter that was applied during the enhancement phase



    @property (nonatomic, readonly) GSKFilterType appliedFilter;


    var appliedFilter: GSKFilterType { get }
  • The rotation applied during the rotation phase.

    If you specified a rotation angle as part of GSKRotationConfiguration, you will get this angle back here. If you requested an automatic orientation detection as part of the GSKRotationConfiguration, appliedRotation will correspond the rotation applied by the SDK to rotate the image according to the estimated orientation.

    Note: The output of the processing is always an up-oriented image, even if the original image had an EXIF orientation (see UIImage’s imageOrientation property). appliedRotation doesn’t include the rotation applied to the image buffer to remove the EXIF information. The appliedRotation only includes the “visual” rotation needed to display the image to the user:

    • If the input image imageOrientation is UIImageOrientationUp, and you request a clockwise rotation, appliedRotation will be GSKRotationClockwise.
    • If the input image imageOrientation is UIImageOrientationUp, and you request an automatic rotation, which detects that the image must be rotated clockwise to look “straight”, appliedRotation will be GSKRotationClockwise.
    • If the input image imageOrientation is UIImageOrientationRight, and you request a clockwise rotation, appliedRotation will be GSKRotationClockwise. The output image orientation will be UIImageOrientationUp.
    • If the input image imageOrientation is UIImageOrientationUp, and you request an automatic rotation, which detects that the image must be rotated clockwise to look “straight”, appliedRotation will be GSKRotationClockwise. The output image orientation will be UIImageOrientationUp.



    @property (nonatomic, readonly) GSKRotation appliedRotation;


    var appliedRotation: GSKRotation { get }