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Logger used by the SDK. Default implementation logs to the Android console.


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Check if the SDK is correctly initialized.

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fun rotateImage(imageToRotatePath: String, rotatedImagePath: String, angle: RotationAngle, isBinary: Boolean = false)

Rotate an image.

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fun scaleImage(inPath: String, outPath: String, scalingRatio: Float)

Create a new scaled image.

fun scaleImage(inPath: String, outPath: String, maxImageSize: Int)

Scale image so that both dimensions fit inside given size.

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fun setJPGQuality(jpgQuality: Int)

Sets the JPG quality used to write images

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fun setLicenseKey(context: Context, licenseKey: String)
fun setLicenseKey(context: Context, licenseKey: String, autoRefresh: Boolean)

Set the Genius Scan SDK license key with optional auto-refresh.