Package-level declarations


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class DocumentGenerator(context: Context)
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data class PDFDocument @JvmOverloads constructor(val pages: List<PDFPage>, val title: String? = null, val password: String? = null, val keywords: String? = null, val creationDate: Date? = null, val updateDate: Date? = null)

Describes the structure of a PDF document for the PDF generator.

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Used to preprocess pages of the PDF generation.

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data class PDFPage @JvmOverloads constructor(val imageFile: File, val inchesSize: PDFSize, val textLayout: TextLayout? = null)

Describes a page of a PDF document for the PDF generator.

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data class PDFSize(val width: Double, val height: Double)

Physical size of a PDF page in inches. If the aspect ratio doesn't match the aspect ratio of the page in pixels, margins will be added on both sides of the page image. If 0 is provided for the width or height, it is computed to match the aspect ratio of the image. Eg, for a receipt, we usually use width = 3.54f and height = 0.