
data class PDFDocument @JvmOverloads constructor(val pages: List<PDFPage>, val title: String? = null, val password: String? = null, val keywords: String? = null, val creationDate: Date? = null, val updateDate: Date? = null)

Describes the structure of a PDF document for the PDF generator.


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constructor(pages: List<PDFPage>, title: String? = null, password: String? = null, keywords: String? = null, creationDate: Date? = null, updateDate: Date? = null)


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val creationDate: Date? = null

If provided, this date will be included in the PDF document properties

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val keywords: String? = null

If provided, the keywords will be included in the PDF document properties

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List of pages that will be included in the PDF document

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val password: String? = null

If provided, this password will be used to protect the PDF document. It will need to be entered to view or edit the document. RC4 encryption algorithm is used with a 128-bit key.

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val title: String? = null

If provided, this title will be included in the PDF document properties

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val updateDate: Date? = null

If provided, this date will be included in the PDF document properties