
data class Scan(val originalImageFile: File, val enhancedImageFile: File, val ocrResult: ScanResult.OcrResult? = null, val structuredDataResult: StructuredDataResult? = null) : Serializable

A single page that was scanned during the scan flow.


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constructor(originalImageFile: File, enhancedImageFile: File, ocrResult: ScanResult.OcrResult? = null, structuredDataResult: StructuredDataResult? = null)


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The image after the processing operations (perspective correction, filter…).

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Result of text recognition for this captured image. Null if text recognition did not run or if it failed. Check logs for more details about text recognition failures.

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The original image that was captured by the camera.

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Result of text structured data extraction for this captured image. Null if extraction did not run or if it failed.